New Extensions of Quadric B é zier Curve with Multiple Shape Parameters 带多形状参数的四次Bézier曲线的新扩展
The cable curves at cable finish stage, which utilizes equal rise of the quadric curve or the catenary curve, bring little difference to static and dynamic behaviors of suspension bridges. 对于空缆状态下的主缆线形,采用矢高相等的二次抛物线型还是采用悬链线线型,对悬索桥的静动力行为产生的差异不大;
To illustrate intersection point between straight line and quadric curve 直线与二次曲线交点的图解法
Interpolation for Quadric NURBS curve 用二次NURBS作曲线插值
With these points, affine elements of the quadric curve, such as the center, conjugate diameters and asymptotes etc, may be constructed by means of a scale and a com-pass, and consequently the quadric curve may be classified affinely. 由这些给定的点,用直尺和圆规容易作出此二次曲线的仿射要素,例如中心、共轭直径和渐近线,等等,从而可将此二次曲线进行仿射分类。
The regulative effect of lime application on N, K contents, Ca2+-ATPase and sugarcane height resembled quadric curve. 石灰施用量与甘蔗叶片N、K含量、Ca2+-ATP酶活性及甘蔗株高里极显著或显著的二次函数曲线相关;
The Definite Value of Quadric Curve Fulltime Killer 二次曲线的定值全职杀手
An interpolation algorithm based on quadric NURBS curve 基于二次NURBS的插值曲线
A Method of Drawing Quadric Curve Tangents 二次曲线的切线作法
A sampling interpolation of spatial curve based on parametric equation with time partition method is proposed. The parametric equation of quadric curve in any spatial plane is established by transformation of coordinate, and the sampling interpolation algorithms is derived. 推导了基于参数方程的空间曲线采样插补方法,并通过坐标系的变换,对空间任意平面内二次曲线建立了简单的参数方程,推导了其采样插补方法。
According to the matrix representation of quadric B-spline curve, for the ( 2n+ 1) data points of a curve, an interpolation algorithm based on quadric non-uniform B-spline curve is presented with only the data. Points are made use of to solve control vertices. 根据二次非均匀B样条曲线矩阵表达式,对于任意曲线上的2n+1个型值数据点,给出了一个仅仅利用这些型值数据,反算二次非均匀B样条曲线控制顶点的算法。
The Relation between the Principal Direction on a Point of the Surface and the Principal Direction of the Quadric Curve 曲面上一点的主方向与二次曲线的主方向的关系
Family of quadric curve and its applications 二次曲线族及其应用
A Program for Numerical Control Machining Operation of Quadric Curve 二次曲线数控加工编程设计
The Definite Value of Quadric Curve The analysis on fixing error 二次曲线的定值船位误差分析
Essential features; A Method of Drawing Quadric Curve Tangents 基本特征;二次曲线的切线作法
A Construct Scheme of GC~ 2 Dual Quadric Curve Spline 在拼接点达到GC~2连续的双二次曲线与样条的构造
In this article, the author introduces the definition and the classification of the family of quadric curve, and illustrates its applications with examples in solving the equation of quadric curve, the groups of binary quadratic equation and one variable equation of four times. 介绍了二次曲线族的定义和分类,并举例说明了它在求二次曲线的方程、解二元二次方程组及解一元四次方程中的应用。
The relationship between Cr concentration and arc current ratio of Cr/ Ti conforms to quadric curve within a certain range of arc currents. 在一定的阴极弧电流范围内,(TiCr)N涂层中的Cr含量与Cr/Ti弧流比呈二次曲线关系。
This paper infers the parametric equation of the quadric B-spline curve, introduces its character, and gives the special method of process when the curve is approximated. 本文推导出计算机绘图中的二次B一样条曲线的参数方程,介绍二次B一样条曲线的性质,并给出在逼近曲线时的特殊处理方法。
THE GRAPHICS OF THE INTERSECTIONS AND COMMON TANGENTS OF TWO CONICS A Method of Drawing Quadric Curve Tangents 两二次曲线公有点和公切线的图解问题二次曲线的切线作法
Computing quadric surface intersection curve is an important operation in computing the boundary representation of a three dimensional object in solid modeling system, and is applied in other geometric processing as well. 计算两二次曲面的交线是立体造型系统计算三维物体边界表示的一个非常重要的操作,同时还可应用在其它的几何处理算法中。
Dissection of three Classifications on Quadric Curve 二次曲线的三种分类方法分析
The Quadric B-Spline Curve in Computer Drawing 计算机绘图中的二次B&样条曲线
A derivation method for trace of moving median chord of quadric curve 二次曲线动弦中点轨迹的求导方法
In this paper, GC 2 dual quadric curve were studied. 本文研究了连续的双二次曲线,给出双二次曲线样条的构造方法。
A Theoretical Approach to Fitting Filter of the Quadric Curve 二次曲线拟合滤波的理论研究
Sampling Interpolation Method of Quadric Curve in Any Spatial Plane 空间任意平面二次曲线的采样插补算法
Tangents Passing Through the Inner or Exterior Point of a Non-degenerate Quadric Curve 非退化二次曲线过其内点和外点的切线
Because this curve is a U-shaped quadric curve, there will be multi-ply equilibriums in the market, which bring about a 'critical volume' equilibrium point in small-size network and a large-size network equilibrium point. 由于这条预期实现的需求曲线是一条向下凹的二次曲线,市场将会出现多重均衡现象。存在一个较小网络规模的临界容量均衡点,和较大规模的大网络均衡点。